Thoughts On What Really Causes Cancer

Thoughts On What Really Causes Cancer
May 6, 2014 No Comments Healthy rise_shine_aeriol
Cancer Free Healthy Lifestyle

Cancer Free Healthy Lifestyle


Thoughts On What Really Causes Cancer

What Really Causes Cancer. I have always been a believer that our thoughts in time become our words and our words and thoughts ultimately over time become our reality.

While growing up my mother constantly talked about Cancer.  The religious group she was affiliated with seemed to be full of cancer and it was a consistent companion for her.  She thought about it, talked about it and trying to be a Suzy do gooder ( which I am not knocking ) she visited people with Cancer every week.  Guess what she died of … bone Cancer... the worst and most painful type.

First we think the negative thoughts then we dwell on them and ultimately it comes out of our mouth. But while all that dwelling is going on our body is hearing those words internally and an alchemy is going on which affects our health and ultimately our energy. The negative energy turns into a state called disease or dis ease.

I always have felt that internal decisions to die were made about 5 years before they manifest in the body. This doctor suggests that it happens much sooner. So it does offer a case for watching what we think about, what we speak about and ultimately what becomes our reality.

It bears giving some thought to working on our thoughts and emotional state.

As a personal impression I have noticed that as we get older our words seem to become more powerful and turn into reality faster. Have you found that too?

iHealthTube.comThese Common Events Could Lead to Cancer Within 2 Years!

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