Author Archives: rise_shine_aeriol

Posts By rise_shine_aeriol

Don’t Forget To Write!
Image Wealthy rise_shine_aeriol

Don’t Forget To Write! I stumbled across them in a closet the other day. There they were in envelopes discolored from age with addresses slightly faded from the passage of time. They were letters, shoeboxes full of them, all in neat little bundles tied up with faded ribbons. As I looked through the box, there

Focus on Eyes
Image Healthy rise_shine_aeriol

Focus on Eyes Published on Saturday, March 18th, 2005 Focus on Eyes Challenged by the many hours in front of your computer? The American Vision Institute has published ?Improve Your Vision Without Glasses or Contact Lenses ( Amazon has it) written by Beresford , Muris, Allen, and Young? Yes four writers on this one. Gives

Getting Back To Ourselves
Image Wealthy rise_shine_aeriol

Getting Back To Ourselves Published on Saturday, March 18th, 2004 “Turn away from the world this year and begin to listen. Listen to the whispers of your heart. Look within. Your silent companion has lit lanterns of love to illuminate the path to Wholeness. At long last, the journey you were destined to take has

Multiple Streams of Income
Image Wealthy rise_shine_aeriol

Multiple Streams of Income Multiple Streams of Income Good Markets or Bad, generating a second stream of income is one of the most effective ways to improve your financial situation. While you work hard at the job or business you have, you should also develop a system to provide part time income, preferably one that

Getting Back To Basics
Image Wealthy rise_shine_aeriol

Getting Back To Basics Getting Back To Basics. Published on Saturday, March 18th, 2006 Your in a Sales or Business Slump, your energy is flagging and your feeling down. Get back to basics. We get successful and we start getting fancy creating all manner or new distractions. The basics will get us rolling again. What

Getting To Yes!
Image Wealthy rise_shine_aeriol

Getting To Yes! Getting To Yes! Have you often noticed that when you go on a sales call you get back to the office completely drained? Then you will go out for dinner with a friend or cohort, talk for 2 hours and feel energized. What is the difference? The first is what I call

Test Your Market, Then Create The Product
Image Wealthy rise_shine_aeriol

Test Your Market, Then Create The Product For most of the year of 2003 we ran home buyer workshops. A huge amount of work with limited results and very long term payoff? Then I received an e-mail from Dean Jackson at suggesting setting up a booklet or brochure offering Free Pricing Information for a

Journaling For Fun and Profit
Image Wealthy rise_shine_aeriol

Journaling For Fun and Profit Journaling For Fun and Profit. I have been journaling for several years. In my office we have a leads journal where all brand new prospective business is immediately written down so we don’t lose it. Particularly when I get distracted and go off on one of my creative tangents. I

10 Ways To Start Taking Control or Who’s The Boss
Image Wise rise_shine_aeriol

10 Ways To Start Taking Control At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another. But many people with ADD develop negative thinking patterns because they become frustrated by their challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it

Sixteen Rules To Live By
Image Wise rise_shine_aeriol

Sixteen Rules To Live By Rules to live by. I was reading Bob Parsons blog and I found the 16 rules he tries to live by interesting, so I thought I?d pass them on to you. Hope you benefit from them: Here are the 16 rules I try to live by: Get and stay out