Focus on Eyes
Focus on Eyes
Published on Saturday, March 18th, 2005
Focus on Eyes
Challenged by the many hours in front of your computer? The American Vision Institute has published ?Improve Your Vision Without Glasses or Contact Lenses ( Amazon has it) written by Beresford , Muris, Allen, and Young? Yes four writers on this one.
Gives a series of exercises to strengthen eye muscles which like your heart muscle or your biceps need flexing. Problem is we seem to just stare straight ahead mostly at our computer screens?
My favorite exercise goes like this . Imagine your in front of a large clock with the far object at the centre. Carefully move your eyes as far as they will go to the 9 o?clock direction, as if your trying to see your left ear. Keep your muscles stretched there for a couple of seconds( not looking at anything) then move your eye back to the far object at the centre. Now do this around the clock, so 10 o’clock, 11, 12 and so on carefully stretch the muscles in each direction as far as possible then coming back to centre. So stretch, centre, stretch, centre etc. etc.
Next time your are on the treadmill exercising your heart, do this one at the same time instead of ogling around the gym. Try for 5-10 minutes?
Also eye rolls and light therapy are recommended. Be gentle, remember these are the only eyes you’ve got?
They also recommend Behavioral Optometrists. These are optometrists that apparently help you get off of glasses instead of just prescribing you stronger ones every year Think I’ll check this out So give it a shot.